This week we sat down with @KisonKee, a TikTok star with almost 3 million followers!
Kison is a 22-year-old celebrity influencer who started posting on TikTok in March of 2019. You can find him posting comedy videos once a day and also live streaming on the Hakuna app.
Check out his most successful video below! ( 265.8 million views)
Luckily, we were able to catch him during a break and asked him some questions about what it's like to be such a big social media star.
Take a look!
Clicks Talent: Hey Kison! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us! So tell us, what do you do when you’re not creating videos for social media?
I have a really cute puppy, so whenever I’m not creating videos I love to spend time with him and take him to the park. I also really enjoy playing video games and thinking of new ideas for TikTok.
Clicks Talent: How did your TikTok career start? And how long have you been an influencer for?
I originally started using a similar app called Flipagram in 2017, my friends find me very entertaining so they encouraged me to start posting videos. Luckily, I started growing really fast and ended up with 16,000 followers, which was a really big deal to me. Later on, the app got deleted and I stopped making videos for about a year, and only in March of 2019, I decided to start posting on TikTok. Surprisingly, my first viral video only happened less than a month after, I posted a video of me playing the ukulele using a hanger instead of my fingers and then at the beginning of April I had a video that hit over one million views.
I was positive from the beginning and went all the way in but I didn’t expect to become so successful. I was determined to make social media my career, so I decided to quit my job as a butcher to focus on Tik Tok full-time.
Clicks Talent: Wow! What an interesting story! What is the best thing about being an influencer?
The best thing about being an influencer is that I can make people laugh, I love to have positive vibes with my followers and make them happy. I’m usually an introverted person, but with them it’s different, I consider them my family and I love them very much. I always try very hard to reply to their DMs and I feel so grateful for their support because I wouldn't be anywhere without every single one of them.
Clicks Talent: What is the worst thing about being an influencer?
The worst thing about being an influencer is that I get hate for literally no reason. I sometimes get very mean DMs on Instagram judging my videos or the way I look, but it doesn't bother me anymore, I don’t respond to hate. I only focus on people that support me and try not to take it too personally, sometimes it is not even about you. I once got a very rude message and it turned out that the messenger was just having a bad day and apologized a couple of hours later.
Clicks Talent: You're completely right, that’s a very good approach, always stay positive and don’t focus on haters. On a different note, what is the best collaboration that you have done with another influencer?
So far, I have only done one collaboration on Tik Tok, it was with @spencewuah a long time ago. I actually prefer collaborations face to face, but unfortunately, that’s much harder to do.
Clicks Talent: Tell us something we don’t know about the influencer's work?
Something most people don’t know is that many influencers on TikTok post sponsored videos. In my case, I do both, but most of my content is not sponsored. Usually, my videos go viral when I’m just being himself, which has been pretty hard lately because of quarantine.
Clicks Talent: How do you come up with ideas for your videos?
Most of the time my best ideas come up out of nowhere while I’m doing something. It could be when I’m watching tv or just on my phone. Sometimes I do some research and see what kind of videos go viral.
Clicks Talent: What does being an influencer mean to you?
For me being an influencer means being 100% myself and people can either love it or hate it. I get so much love and support from my viewers and that encourages me to be myself even more.
Clicks Talent: What tip(s) do you have for anyone trying to become popular on TikTok like you?
That’s a good question!
I think it’s important to do some research on what kind of videos are the most popular. According to my experience, the top three most viral genres are dancing, transitions, and comedy. If you're going to dance, dance the way you wanna dance, have fun with it and give it an upbeat vibe!
When it comes to transitions, constantly think of a way to up yourself so your followers keep coming back to see what you come up with next.
For comedy, I recommend being yourself and not worrying about what you’re posting, because sometimes you think a video is not going to do well and then you post it and it does amazing.
Clicks Talent: What have you gained from working with us at Clicks Talent?
Working with Clicks Talent has given me “more time to my day”. Before Clicks, I used to get overwhelmed by all the emails and DMs I received, now that they represent me they have helped me to be more organized and have better time-management. They have also assisted me in figuring out my worth when it comes to sponsorships and got my little sister an opportunity to work for a live-streaming app.
Clicks Talent: Well thanks for that Kison. We had a great time speaking with you, can't wait to see your next video!
Make sure to follow Kison on social media to see his amazing content!
Instagram: @kisonkee
TikTok: @kisonkee
Hakuna: kisonkee
And check out our new Youtube video containing a compilation of Kison’s most viral TikTok videos of 2020.
Also don’t miss the chance to buy his STUNNING merch on:
